Saturday, November 19, 2011

Mr. Sandman

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Party Time!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pretekin Play Place

Our house does not have enough space to dedicate an entire room to a playroom for G and his massive amounts of toys, so I decided that I would make some room in the corner of our family room.  I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Graham is 1!

Happy 1st Birthday, Graham!
Stay tuned for a video montage of G's 1st birthday party and his one year stats!

UPDATE: Graham weighed in at 22 lbs. on the dot, which puts him in the 40th percentile.  He was 30.5 inches, staying in the 75th percentile.  He was in excellent health, although he definitely did not like being examined and REALLY did not like getting his shots.  Once they were finished, though, he calmed down very quickly and was his smiley, happy self again!

Happy Halloween!

Although he's too little to be out trick-or-treating, Graham still donned a dragon costume to celebrate his first Halloween! Since he hates being bundled up and wearing hats, I figured putting on the costume would result in a full on rebellion, but he didn't seem to mind.
Happy Halloween from our little dragon!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Walk the Line

Some of the first attempts at walking:

Less than a week later:

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Big Three-Oh!

Last week we celebrated Michael's 30th birthday! Happy Birthday to the best hubby and dad around!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

11 is Super!

Happy Eleven Months G! I can hardly believe that next month we'll be celebrating a little guy's first birthday!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Two (Bottom) Front Teeth

The first picture in which you can clearly see G's two bottom teeth. He's working on the two on the sides of the top front teeth. One is out quite a bit, the other is just peeking through. Nothing out in the very front yet, but you can definitely see the indentations in his gums.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Uh-Oh Spaghetti-O!

We've been slowly adding more and more table food to G's diet, and he LOVES it! Spaghetti O's are new favorites!

Glenwood Triathalon '11

Here are pictures from lasy weekend's Glenwood Triathalon! Graham was the newest athletic supporter, and he was able to put his newfound clapping skills to good use!

We had a great time cheering for all of the athletes alongside the other athletic supporters. We also enjoyed the beautiful day in Glenwood Spring!

Although not the best family pic, I'm posting it because if you look closely, you can finally get a glimpse of those two bottom teeth.

Wrapped In Love

When he was first born, G LOVED to be swaddled. We probably ended up swaddling him to sleep for longer than most other babies. He still loves to be all wrapped up!

Our next step to work on losing that paci!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Double Digits!

Graham is 10 months old! This week he began to test his balance by trying to stand without holding onto anything. Yesterday, he even took a few steps! Walking soon?

G is also working on perfecting waving bye-bye and clapping.

I can't believe we are a mere two months away from the little man turning 1!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Target Baby

Graham loves browsing the aisles at Target just as much as his Mama! Another Target link between Graham and I is that we definitely love to sport our stylish Target threads!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Friday, August 5, 2011

9 is Divine

It's hard to believe that Graham has been out in the world with us for 9 months, nearly the same amount of time I was pregnant with him (I was 9 months and 3 weeks along, 1 week from my due date when I delivered him). Our lives have completely changed, but every single part of it has been a complete joy.

At 9 months, Graham is expertly crawling and pulling up. He has started to cruise and every now and then I cathc him trying to let go and stand all on his own. He FINALLY cut teeth. The two front bottom ones are out (1 about halfway up, the other just came through the gum the other day). He has started to really interact with his toys and is definitely understanding action and reaction (if I push this button, it makes the sound I think is funny; if I drop it here, it will land there; etc.). He continues to be an awesome sleeper (12 hours at night, two 1-2 hour naps during the day). He loves his solids and is getting quite good with finger foods. He absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVES water, but hasn't mastered a sippy cup on his own yet. Watching him grow and change is amazing. The changes in his development are obvious from one week to the next and it is so much fun watching him explore his world. In 3 short months, our baby boy will celebrate his 1st birthday - hard to believe!

*UPDATE (on 8/8/2011): G went for his 9 month checkup today. He weighed in at 20 lbs. 4 oz., which keeps him in the 50th percentile. He measured 29 inches long, which keeps him in the 75th percentile. His development is right on track, although we were asked if he can wave "bye-bye," which he can't. Guess we'll be working on that one!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Like Mother, Like Son

I am apparently not the only one in our household who loves clean laundry. In fact, G decided that he loved his basket of clean laundry so much, that he might as well just climb in and lie in the basket.

*On a side note, I can't believe that I have an almost 9 month old that has the ability to climb into a laundry basket on his own.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Week of Firsts

This past week has been a week of firsts! Graham pulled up for the first time, and he has now mastered that skills. At first when he was pulling up in his crib, he wasn't able to get back down on his own and would fall. This was terrifying for me because I was sure we'd end up having a baby with a concussion. After a few falls and one minor head bump, he quickly learned how to get himself back into a sitting postion. This past week he has also started to get himself in and out of a sitting position on his own. Graham is also cutting his first tooth! I had sort of given up on this happening anytime soon, so I hadn't been checking his mouth. Monday night he put a piece of carpet in his mouth, and I went to get it back out. As I was feeling around for it, I felt a little poke on his bottom gum. he wouldn't let me look in his mouth then, but eventually I got to. The top of his bottom left front tooth is completely out! Here are some pictures from today:

I was grabbing the towel and turned back around to find this:

We got undressed:

Finally we're in the tub!

After our bath, we found the mirror on the back of Mom and Dad's bedroom door:

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Standing Tall

Graham has been pulling up! He did it for the first time last week, and we have seen him do it several more times since then. Mostly he has been pulling up in his crib. Yesterday, my sister and I watched pull up, fall down, pull up, fall down many times over on the baby monitor. He also showed Cookie, Grandpa Roger, and Mew Mew his new skill today. I haven't captured him completely up on his feet yet, but here are a few shots of him getting ready to pull up. Please excuse the massive amounts of drool on his onesie. Hopefully all of the drooling will lead to FINALLY cutting some teeth...

And notice my efforts in baby-proofing the pointy edges on our bed!

Under the Sea

Yesterday my sister Angie, Graham, and I went to visit the aquarium. None of us had ever been, and we had a great time! We saw quite a few neat fish and for some reason, the aquarium has tigers. Graham really enjoyed the tigers. Angie was carrying him and had him right next to the glass as they walked by. She said he had a huge smile on his face. Did he recognize them as a larger version of something he sees four of at home every day? Unforunately I did not get a picture of Graham looking at the tigers, as I was around the corner of the enclosure at the time. I did get some great pictures, though!

With Aunt Angie (Abe, as we like to call her)

Lunch time!

That flash is bright, Mom!

G couldn't get enough of all of the decorations hanging down from the ceiling.

The ceiling in the restaurant.

Shark attack!

The purple sea urchin really caught G's attention.

Enjoying one of the exhibits.


Here's some of the cool things we saw: