Saturday, July 16, 2011

Under the Sea

Yesterday my sister Angie, Graham, and I went to visit the aquarium. None of us had ever been, and we had a great time! We saw quite a few neat fish and for some reason, the aquarium has tigers. Graham really enjoyed the tigers. Angie was carrying him and had him right next to the glass as they walked by. She said he had a huge smile on his face. Did he recognize them as a larger version of something he sees four of at home every day? Unforunately I did not get a picture of Graham looking at the tigers, as I was around the corner of the enclosure at the time. I did get some great pictures, though!

With Aunt Angie (Abe, as we like to call her)

Lunch time!

That flash is bright, Mom!

G couldn't get enough of all of the decorations hanging down from the ceiling.

The ceiling in the restaurant.

Shark attack!

The purple sea urchin really caught G's attention.

Enjoying one of the exhibits.


Here's some of the cool things we saw:

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