Thursday, September 13, 2012

22 Months!

Um, this kid is 22 MONTHS OLD.  In two short months we will have a 2 year old!  They ain't lying when they say time flies!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Auntie Is Awesome!

Graham loves his only aunt!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Saturday, August 25, 2012

No Need For Supernanny!

Graham moved to his toddler bed!  I was a little nervous at first about him getting up constantly during the night and me having to bring him back to bed (his 2-3 hour daily naps and 12 hour stretches overnight have definitely spoiled me...he has always been such a great sleeper that I never became the dreaded "zombie mom").

The first day he got up twice during his nap, right at the beginning.  This was his very first time sleeping out of his crib, so I think he was just checking it all out.  That night he got up 5 times in the first hour and a half.  After that he slept through the night.

The second day he did not get up at all during naptime. At night he got up twice, once within the first hour and later in the night the second time.

The third day he did not get up at all during naptime. He did not get up at all during the night. It can't be this easy right? I mean, I've seen "Supernanny" where those kids get out of bed 137 times...

The fourth day was the exact same as day three.

**UPDATE** It has been nearly a month since Graham moved into his toddler bed. You know what? It was that easy! He never gets out of bed at naptime or during the night. When he wakes up, he simply sits in bed and WAITS for me or Michael to come into the room and get him. Clearly he picks up on new routines up, attempting potty training?

Friday, August 17, 2012

Mommy Time

(LOVE the face from eating a sour berry)

Daddy Time

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sprayground Remix

We visited Centennial Center Park again!  The park was significantly less crowded due to many schools having started up again (total plus of being a stay-at-home mama is being able to bring your kid great places when everyone else is at work or in school)!  Graham, of course, had a great time.  The second we walked into the park, he could barely contain his excitement.
Just a little trickle of water!

All kinds of room to run around!

Graham loves running through the water

Driving Mommy around

Thanks for the hand, Cookie!

Even Bumpa is getting in on the fun

All that playng makes for a hungry boy

Why do we have to leave??!!??
Thanks to Michael's dad, Roger (or Bumpa to Graham) for always having his camera ready.  We wouldn't have half the great pictures we do without him!