Thursday, January 27, 2011

All About Graham

Graham is almost 3 months old! I can't believe how time is flying! It seems like just yesterday he was a tiny baby and we were bringing him home from the hospital. Here's an update on all the latest in Graham's world.

  • He smiles all the time and is starting to laugh a little bit. He is also starting to find his voice, as he has been making a lot more noises.

  • He can easily roll from his back to his side and enjoys sleeping on his side.

  • He can wiggle himself all over his crib - top to bottom, side to side. We always find him in a different place when he wakes up. We recently stopped swaddling him when he sleeps (I was nervous about doing this, because for a long time it seemed to be the one thing that kept him asleep through the night) and it has been a huge success. He doesn't fuss when we put him down and continues to sleep through the night.

  • He LOVES tummy time and can hold himself up pretty well. He has excellent head control and will start to wiggle his butt when he is on his tummy and try to push with his feet. He is definitely trying to find ways to be mobile.

  • In the past few days I have noticed that he intetionally grabs for things (his lovies, his pacifier, toys) as opposed to it just happening to end up in his grasp.

  • He continues to LOVE bathtime and getting his hair washed. I have accidentally gotten water in his face a few times, and he doesn't mind at all. I can't wait to take him swimming this summer!

  • After switching to a different brand of bottles about a month ago, feeding time has gone much more smoothly. He is still eating the soy formula and doing well with that.

  • He sucks on anything and everything: his pacifier, his hands, his lovies, the collar of his shirt, my shirt.

  • Daycare is going well for him, and he has only really had one day so far where he was fussy and didn't have a good day. He seems to be happy there and is getting excellent care. Graham is the youngest of three babies! The other two girls are both about 2 months older than him.

    • Graham is such a wonderful, happy little man. We enjoy him every day and look forward to each and every new thing he does!

      Saturday, January 22, 2011

      The Happiest Baby on the Block

      Our little man is all smiles!

      Thursday, January 13, 2011

      Daddy's Mini Me

      Graham looks so much like Michael did when he was a baby! At this point it seems like he got his hair color from me and his eyes. At least the shape of his eyes. For now they are blue (also like mine), but that can change as his eye color won't really be determined until he around 6 months.

      Graham looks so much like Michael did when he was a baby! At this point it seems like he got his hair color from me and his eyes. At least the shape of his eyes. For now they are blue (also like mine), but that can change as his eye color won't really be determined until he around 6 months.

      Sunday, January 9, 2011

      Graham & Grandpa

      With Grandpa Pretekin

      With Grandpa Dozeman

      Tuesday, January 4, 2011

      2 Months Old!

      Graham is 2 months old today! This afternoon, we went to his 2 month checkup. He weighed in at 11 lbs. 8 oz. and was 23 inches long. Way to grow little guy! He also received his first round of vaccinations and came through like a champ. I think it was harder on mom than it was on him.

      Wednesday, December 29, 2010

      Happy Holidays!!

      Graham has just finished up his first holiday season! At the beginning of December, we celebrated Hanukkah. We also had a few postponed Hanukkah celebrations throughout the month in order to wait for our close friends to come into town. Unfortunately, I have been neglecting my camera and did not take any pictures of our little man at these celebrations. Graham had a wonderful time and received some very cool gifts (clothes, toys for the car, and stuffed animals). Luckily my mom and dad are much better at remembering their camera and documented Graham's first Christmas Eve and Christmas.

      Meeting Uncle Kyle for the first time.

      Playing with Papa on Christmas Eve before our tradition of making homemade pizzas.

      I'm such a handsome man! Look at my cute Christmas onesie!

      Hanging out in the middle of Christmas dinner preparation.

      The family opening presents. Graham napped through pretty much the entire afternoon and missed the present opening.

      A beautiful view from Mom and Dad's deck in Evergreen.

      Wednesday, December 22, 2010