So, as I have done for every month of the pregnancy I took a few belly shots for month 7. Notice that the belly button is going to pop out here at any second.
Here is a picture of my swollen feet. To celebrate the beginning of the third trimester, I went back to work. Somehow I managed to work for the first and third trimesters, when you are more uncomfortable and be off during the second trimester, when you feel the best and have the most energy. Oh well. Despite the swollen feet from the heat and running around all day, everything went well.
Another update: last week I had my doctor's appointment. The doctor said that the baby was measuring right on target and that everything looked good. I also did the glucose screener at this appointment, which screens you to see if you need to be tested for gestational diabetes. My screener results came back high, meaning that I would need to take the 3 hour glucose tolerance test to determine if I did indeed have gestational diabetes. When I got the news that my screener was high, I completely freaked out. I just wanted the baby to be okay and while there are many things that can be done to control the diabetes and most babies are born perfectly fine, I was still very worried. I scheduled the 3 hour test for the next day, and Michael, being the great husband that he is, took the morning off of work to come with me. You have to fast before the test and when you get there, the lab techs immediately take your blood. You then drink a liquid that is very concentrated with sugar and your blood is taken every hour for the next three hours. After a long morning and being poked by needles, I went home to nap (that sugar crash sure makes you tired)!! The next day I received a call from the nurse at my doctor's office telling me that everything had come back perfectly normal and I did NOT have gestational diabetes. *Huge sigh of relief* Here's to hoping that this last trimester is smooth sailing!