Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone had an enjoyable and yummy holiday. Our holiday was absolutely fantastic. We traveled to Ventura, California to have Thanksgiving with Michael's mom's family - Linny's sister's family, The O'Hollaren's (Sissy, Bob, Shaun, and Ian) and Moyie (Michael grandmother).
California was beautiful. We had an amazing view of the beach, the O'Hollaren's have a great house, and the weather was awesome (85 degrees Thanksgiving day!). M and I took a trip with the dogs down to the beach. We all ended up wet and sandy, but had a fun time.
I was able to get in some fun shopping trips with the girls. Who knew they made a dress you can tie about 10 different ways to create different styles? The dress looks super-cute with my beloved leggings. I also enjoyed our trip up to Ojai where we went to some funky little boutiques...right up my alley!
Our Thanksgiving dinner was absolutely delicious. Moyie made her famous stuffing that no Thanksgiving dinner is complete without. Linny taught me how to make some pretty yummy mushroom gravy, and we had some of the best pumpkin pie!
We also celebrated Linny's birthday with presents and a trip to see "The Blind Side." The movie is a tear-jerker that I highly recommend seeing. Love Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw in it! And Happy Birthday Linny! We wish you many wonderful birthdays!
I, being pretty scatter-brained the morning we left, forgot my camera. Luckily Zach had his and took some great shots. Now I just need to keep the pressure on to upload those pics and email them to me. I will post some just as soon as I get them (Zach, are you reading this??!!??)